Mittagsmenü inklusive Vorspeise. 2 courses for only € 10,90
Bärlauch Lasagne mit Sauce von San Marzano Paradeisern (A,C,G)
Ramson Lasagne with San Marzano Tomato Sauce
Karadordeva: Knuspriges Stängel Cordon Bleu gefüllt mit Kaymak, Wedges & Trara (A,C,G,M,L,O)
Stem Cordon Bleu filled with Kaymak, Wedges & Tartare Sauce
Knusprig gegrillte Chicken Drumsticks auf buntem Reis & Chutney (O)
Crispy Grilled Chicken Drum Sticks on Rice with Chutney
Tafelspitz vom Waldviertler Angus Beef mit Erdäpfelschmarrn, Apfelkren & Schnittlauchsauce (A,C,G,M,L,O)
Simmered Beef with Apple Horseradish, Chives Sauce & Viennese Potatos
Pikante Sous Vide Schweinskoteletts mit BBQ Sauce & Bärlauchpüree (C,G,L,M,O)
Spicy Rubbed Sous Vide Pork Chops with BBQ Sauce & Ramson Mash (C,L,O)
Erdäpfel-Bärlauch-Tortilla mit Paradeisersauce & Blattsalat (A,C,G,O)
Potato Ramson Tortilla with Tomato Sauce & Leaf Salads
Hausgemachte Pannonische Bratwurst. Senf. Zwiebel. Brot (A,M)
Hausgemachte Kolbasz Wurst, Emmerberger Rauchschinken, Bergkäse, Brot. Senf. (A,G,M)
Hausgemachte Spanferkel Porchetta. Sauerteig Ciabatta. Salsa Verde. Zwiebeln (A,L)
Veganes Wintergemüse-Curry auf gedämpftem Reis (N)
Krokette mit BBQ Käse-Fülle mit Endivien-Sauce (A,C,G,O)
1516 Weißbier Hühner-Curry mit Erdäpfeln auf gedämpftem Reis (D,F,H,N)
Eiernockerl mit Salat (A,C,G)
Hausgemachte Tagliatelle Pasta. Italienisches Beef Ragu. Parmesan (A,C,G)
Broccoli-Pecorino-Ravioli in Salbeibutter geschwenkt mit Parmesan (A,C,G)
Kathi`s BBQ Fleisch-Pierogi. Speckkraut. Sauerrahm (A,G,M,O)
1516 Chicken Schnitzel:
De-Boned Chicken in Batter with Potato Salad
Ausgelöstes Backhendl mit Erdäpfelsalat (A,C,G,M,O)
Brimsen Pierogi mit Zwiebelbutter & Kraut (A,C,G,H)
Joghurt mariniertes BBQ Hendl. . Reis (G,L,O)
Gebackene Käseblunzn. Krautsalat. Senf (A,C,G,L,M,O)
ca. 300g Waldviertler Entrecote. Cognac-Pfeffersauce. Biersenfbutter. Wedges (A,G,M)
Irischer Flank Steak. Cognac-Pfeffersauce. Biersenfbutter. Wedges (A,G,M)
TAP BEER CRAFT BREWED ON THE PREMISES. Filterless. No Additives. No Preservatives
Helles Vollbier / kräftig gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
Mix of dark and blond beer
Dunkles und helles Bier gemischt
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
Lager & Lemonade | Helles & Limo
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
(from PA to Vienna) Whole Leaf hopped | Doldenhopfen gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Cascade hopped Wheat Ale | Weissbier mit Cascade Hopfen gehopft
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
This farmhouse red ale is the brainchild of the ever-crafty CVDH. Spiced with a blend of coriander / hibiscus and fermented with the legendary kveik yeast, it bursts with fruitiness. So fruity that even the most eloquent of poets would struggle to describe it. It’s the kind of beer that keeps whispering, "one more, please."
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Amber Ale fermented with Alt yeast from Düsseldorf, hopped with Spalter Spalt & Spalter Select
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,10 | 0,4L - € 3,90 | 1,5L - € 14,20
This porter’s got it all—dark, roasty malts bringing the chocolate and coffee vibes, a little chili kick to keep things interesting, and tonka beans adding a touch of vanilla, cinnamon, and a nutty little wink. Oh, and a pinch of smoked sea salt? Just because we can.
It’s cozy, it’s bold, and it’s a little bit spicy—like a warm hug with a mischievous grin. Perfect for chill nights, fiery chats, or impressing your adventurous beer buddies.
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
Master Brewer Jasa Zidar's brewed ode to his beloved lake.
Mashed with Barley, Wheat and Oats. Double Dry Hoppped with Citra, Sabro, Mosaic, Bru1 & Superdelic hops bringing juicy peach, citrus and other tropical fruits reinforced by the fermentation with Pomona. A yeast named after the Goddess of fruit trees.
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,90 | 0,4L - € 5,10 | 1,5L - € 17,20
Slipper session ale will transport you on the hoppy side of the tracks. You will love the packed punch by Citra hops hunted down with passion fruit aromas by Galaxy hops and the lemon spikes by Sorachi Ace. The malt back bone is Vienna Malt and 2-row – to keep us focused on the green cones. We kept the alcohol content at 5.2.
0,1L - € 2,10 | 0,25L - € 3,60 | 0,4L - € 4,40 | 1,5L - € 14,60
Drinks: Mo–So: 10am – 2am
Food: first order 11:30 am, last order 01:00 am
Only ever closed on 24th December